Vapir N02 Review Portable Vaporizer Reviews
Vapir N02 Review Portable Vaporizer Review: Reinventing the Vape
The Vapir No2 is a mid-sized portable herbal vaporizer that will go where you need it to. It’s great for use in the home, in the car, at the beach, while you’re hiking and camping trips. With its ease of use and simplistic sleek design the No2 is great for the beginner and the expert alike. The Vapir company draws from years of experience in the vaporizer industry, and it really shows with the release of their latest portable vaporizer design the Vapir No2.
If it’s good enough for
Willie Nelson
Its good enough for all of us!

Willie Nelson with his Vapir No2
The Vapir vaporizer, once you have charged it, will last for about four vape sessions, or the approximate time of one hour! It is quick and efficient and will heat up for you in less than sixty seconds if you have it plugged in! If you are using it without it plugged into the wall, then it will take about 90 seconds, still plenty fast enough! The orange light will let you know when it is ready to use.
When you are vaping with the Vapir N02 it is smart to start at a lesser temperature than you might want to. For those who have tried with this vaporizer, it seems that a temperature of 335 is a great place to start then step it up as you go. Feel free to use whatever temperature you like; it just might taste like the product is burning!
This vaporizer is best for those who are beginning. It is very easy to operate, and a newbie could do it! Complete with a shut-off button that is timed if you aren’t using it for a while makes this vaporizer truly user-friendly.
So after 20 minutes, if you haven’t used the machine, it will shut off! If you are like me and love to be on the go…there is a car charger for your ease and function ability. A great perk about this vaporizer is that it looks like a straw!! So, when you are vaping on it, it looks very natural!
Shipping was efficient and fast, and this is a wonderful vaporizer for beginners, those who like to use a vape on the fly as well as vape incognito style!! It comes in two pieces that come apart when you want to load it, and back together when you are ready to vape! It is inexpensive and works up to par for all vaper’s out there today!
In comparison with other vaporizers out on the market today, this one ranks in the seven’s when comparing it on a scale of one to ten! Unfortunately, the only way to get this vaporizer is to find one used since it has been discontinued. Check out the Arizer Extreme Q which is the most comparable in size and function.
This is an awesome portable vaper, barring the hilariously weird shape. Highly recommended.